Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Released: MetaEdit+ 4.5

Defining modeling languages graphically in the new MetaEdit+

Today we are releasing the latest version of MetaEdit+. Version 4.5 is stuffed with a lot of significant improvements compared to its predecessor, like to name a few of these:
  • Graphical metamodeling (see above)
  • A whole new generator definition system, that:
    • instantly validates generator scripts
    • provides a debugger for defined generators
    • provides "live code": generated code links back to its original model objects for tracing
    • allows you to build more powerful, better generators, faster
  • Model, and metamodel import/export via XML
  • An improved SOAP/WebServices-based API that provides access to models, metamodels and MetaEdit+ functionality
  • More powerful metamodeling capabilities
  • Symbol import in SVG & Bitmap formats
  • A much improved modeling environment
To sum it all up, we clearly focused on allowing developers to obtain tool support for domain-specific languages faster and more conveniently. As an indication: Just for fun, yesterday I "equipped" MetaEdit+ from scratch with Use Case modeling in about 15 minutes. Try that with the visual studio DSL tools or the GMF framework from Eclipse and you'll grow a beard...a big one.

Additionally, our development team put in a big effort in opening MetaEdit+ up, allowing it to work via open-standard SOAP-Web Services, via ANY programming language with ANY tool.

To top it off, we now offer companies, their first license of the new MetaEdit+ Workbench (introductory license) at 150 Euro! Additional licenses carry our normal pricing. There is thus no reason to miss out on experiencing how much value, speed and convenience MetaEdit+ offers.


Anonymous said...

Congratulation on the release! I've used the beta's and the evaluation version, it works!!!

Deadman said...

Does the first license offer extend to MetaEdit+? Or is it already included in Workbench?

Excuse my ignorance.

Martijn Iseger said...

MetaEdit+ Workbench includes MetaEdit+ and the SOAP- WebServices-based API. You can contact info@metacase.com for more information.